Proactively safeguard your sensitive emails with insights

We’re also sharing a few new enhancements in 365 Message Encryption that enable organizations to more seamlessly collaborate on and proactively protect their sensitive emails. First, to further enable collaboration for consumer recipients, 365 Message Encryption now offers organizations the option to control whether attachments should be encrypted for the encrypt-only template, so that recipients can have full permissions to share the attachment with anyone—this feature is generally available today.

To help IT admins proactively protect and control sensitive emails, organizations can monitor encrypted messages by viewing reports on encrypted messages. The new reporting dashboard in public preview provides granular details such as message ID, along with sender and recipient information. IT admins can use the insights to proactively adjust and apply policies to sensitive emails. To learn more about these capabilities and more, read the Tech Community blog for details.

Image shows a message encryption report in Security and Compliance.

Streamline compliance investigations process with enhanced Search & Tagging capabilities

Litigation and regulatory demands, like GDPR, are requiring organizations to be more efficient at discovering information in a timely manner. Organizations also have a responsibility to support internal investigations such as corporate fraud, discrimination, work rule violation, and other misconduct.

To further streamline the process of identifying relevant data, the new Search & Tagging feature in Advanced eDiscovery, now generally available, enables you to find the most relevant information within an existing eDiscovery case, using keywords, metadata, and analytics capabilities like Themes and Relevance Score. Additionally, you can preview and organize the data using case-specific tags, which can help you save time and cost when reviewing documents. Learn more about Search & Tagging.

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